My TCC E-Portfolio

Reflection Letter for English 112

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English 112 was the first online class I have ever taken.  At first I was nervous, but Ms. Marits made the assignments easy to understand and follow.  She allowed efficient time to write papers and complete assignments.  I feel that I have learned a lot by taking this class and would definitely recommend it to others.  It has made me feel more confident when others ask me to write a letter or paragraph at work or at home.


My favorite essay that I wrote was on the light rail transit system for Hampton Roads.  When I was thinking of a subject to do this persuasion argument on, I was unaware that “The Tide” was already in the works.  Halfway through my paper while researching it, contracts were signed to begin construction in Norfolk.  I then had to rewrite some of my paper to persuade Norfolk’s surrounding cities to join to this light rail transit system and give people an affordable alternative to driving their cars everyday.  Hopefully you will take the time to read my essay and personally be persuaded to ride the tide once the system is up and running. 


My most challenging essay was our first causal essay assignment.  We had to chose a photograph from the PBS website and write about it.  The picture I choose was of child labor.  Not knowing how to research properly, insert quotes, and cite works posed many problems for me.  I have since learned how to narrow down topics, research them properly and use resources correctly in my essays.


I feel this class has helped me tremendously with reading and writing skills and will allow me to improve even more in the future with advertising.  I have also learned that there are many different opinions on many different subjects.  It is ok to voice your opinion, so long as you think your answer through and provide as many supporting facts as possible.

Erika Harr's E-Portfolio